
FYSIOLINE is a world eminent producer of pharmaceutical products, orthopedic devices and fitness and rehabilitation equipment which represents the revolutionary palette of ICE POWER products. Carrying the north’s freshness, ICE POWER is an original, checked, secure and simple cold therapy for pain and inflamation in muscles and joints, available worldwide in over 50 countries. Being rich in its natural ingredients, having fast effect and continual efficiency, ICE POWER products relieve the inflammation, decrease and prevent blisters, improve blood circulation, therefore efficiently removing pain among adults, children, pregnant women and nursing women. As a first aid for sport injuries, the cold therapy increases the joints mobility, relaxes muscles, quickening the process of their recovery. ICE POWER products palette is clinically tested, and its efficiency is confirmed in numerous scientific studies.

Избор на продукти

Ice Power Cold Creme

Ice Power Cold Creme is a unique cooling pain reliever in a form of cream which relieves pain and muscle soreness very effective. Due to the cream form Ice Power Cold Creme is skin-friendly but at the same time very effective. It is safe to use Ice Power Cold Creme even for long time periods and therefore it is an excellent pain reliever e.g. for muscle related neck, shoulder and back pains and to speed up the recovery of muscle exertion. It is also suitable for children’s bumps and growing pains. The creme spreads easily and does not stain. Ice Power Cold Creme does not include any colorants.

Ice Power Plus гел

ICE POWER PLUS ладниот гел дополнет со MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) преку намалување на температурата на меките ткива, чувствителноста на периферните нерви и мускулната напнатост, придонесува за брзо и делотворно смалување и ослободување на болката, воспаленијата и отоците на мускулите и зглобовите. Наменет за употреба при продолжена болка, прекумерен физички напор, притисок и тегоби во мускулите, како и при третман на зглобовите од артритис, артроза и теносиновитис ICE POWER PLUS не се препорачува за деца и бремени жени.

Ice Power Plus Cold Gel

Ice Power Plus Cold Gel quickly and effectively relieves pain, inflammation and swelling as well as releases excessive muscle tension associated with long term aches and pains. The MSM in Ice Power Plus helps to strengthen the effect of this Cold Gel. It is not recommended to use for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.

Ice Power Hot Warm Gel

Ice Power Hot Warm Gel warms up and relaxes muscles and improves circulation. The gel is designed to provide help in disorders of peripheral circulation, various types of aches and non-inflammatory pains and tensions. Ice Power Hot Warm Gel is an excellent preparation for athletes to prevent strains and ruptures.

Ice Power Magnesium IN Strong cream

Ice Power Magnesium IN is a special cream that contains magnesium sulfate. In this form, the magnesium is easily absorbed into the skin and the cream can simply be washed. When applied, you will feel a cold feeling.

Ice Power Cold Spray

Ice Power Cold Spray provides rapid and effective cooling emergency care for soft tissue injuries, such as strains and sprains and ruptures. Cooling effect starts immediately and lasts for about 15 minutes. Continue the cold treatment with Ice Power Cold Pack or Cold Gel.

Ice Power Arthro cream

Ice Power Arthro Creme is a unique cold cream for treating various joint problems (e.g., joint pain and swollen joints). It is designed to relieve pain and swelling especially in small joints e.g., fingers but it can be used on all joints. The cooling effect is based on menthol and eucalyptus oil. It also contains glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM which are essential for joint well-being. Ice Power Arthro Creme is proven to be very effective joint cream as it quickly relieves pain and swelling in joints. According to the studies Ice Power Arthro Creme relieves significantly the mild and moderate joint pain and increases the mobility of joints.